Wednesday, November 13, 2019

11/14/19: "French Open" by Alex Eaton-Salners

... and what do YOU remember from high school French class

Big Picture
Fun theme! I don't know any French other than what I've encountered in crosswords puzzles, but even I got AMI REQUEST and OUI INDEED. For EAU SKIING and ETE CAMP I only got the 'opens' through crossings. I was a little sad when I got to SLAM and the clue was not connected to FRENCH OPEN. Seemed like a missed opportunity. Overall, I thought this puzzle was fun and fairly easy for a Thursday -- definitely one of my faster times. The cluing especially seemed more suited for an early week puzzle. 

AETNA (67A: Anthem alternative) = I was racking my brain for several minutes trying to come up with some sort of song that would fit there. Never heard of Anthem insurance before. Clever misdirection to make boring fill more fun!

IAGO (16A: "Aladdin" character named after a literary villain) and ALI (3D: "Aladdin" alter ago) = Disney references and connecting clues. What's not to like?

OILUP (52D: Prepare for a bodybuilding competition) = Another fun misdirection. I was puzzled about how I should fit something related to lifting or bulking up in this spot. 

AYEAYE (45A: Nocturnal lemur native to Madagascar) = I imagine this was clued in this way so as to avoid an understanding of the entry as meaning yes, as the entry is crossed with AH YES. That being said, I don't enjoy this sort of animal kingdom trivia clue. But I did look up a picture of an AYE-AYE after finishing the puzzle. I thought, oh, well if I'm going to get a random animal clue at least I should get to look at pictures of cute monkeys. But no, in fact, according to Google images aye-ayes are really not that cute. They're rather creepy looking. I did find one picture of an aye-aye baby that satisfied my need for cute animal pictures before I moved onto golden lion tamarins, my favorite monkey.

SOFTG (13D: Introduction to geometry) = The fact that this is not a thing that should be in a crossword messed up my NE corner. It was the last area of the grid I filled, especially given the cross with EAU SKIING which, as discussed, went well beyond my non-existent French.

LOUDEN (6D: Turn up, as the volume) = This is not a thing. I have literally never heard anyone say this. Not once.

Many fewer names in today's puzzle, which I appreciated. I almost never know the various old baseball and movie references unless they've entered the crossword lexicon to such an extent that I recognize them. Well gender balanced! Missy Elliott and Neil deGrasse Tyson (and arguably Aladdin) also make for some good POC representation. Applause for Alex!

Men clued or mentioned: Iago, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Aladdin, Robert Frost, Eli Roth

Women clued or mentioned: Blair witch,* Steffi Graf, Coco Chanel, Missy Elliot

*Probably doesn't count, especially since Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl is another possible clue.

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11/21/19 "Mind the Gap" by Aimee Lucido

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